Lukács Krajcsír

Lukács Krajcsír

International Relations Manager

Earned his Bachelor’s Degree in International Studies at West Hungarian University in Szomatbely, then in 2014 he finished the Master’s programme on International Studies at Pannon University in Veszprém. Lukács enrolled at Doctoral School of History, University of Szeged, where in 2019 he successfully defended his thesis and earned a PhD. During the years he worked as foreign affairs journalist, analyst, translator and archive researcher. Lukács is currently as the Middle East Relations Manager at the Asian and African Relations Department. His main research fields are the countries in the East and South Mediterranean, China in the Middle East, and the Cold War.

Véget nem érő harag

Véget nem érő harag

Az Éhséglázadások története és a 2020-as tüntetések Egyiptomban

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Hervadó vagy virágzó jázmin? Tunézia tíz évvel a forradalom után

Hervadó vagy virágzó jázmin? Tunézia tíz évvel a forradalom után

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Outlook 2021

Outlook 2021

Perspectives for the Next Year from the Antall József Knowledge Centre Research Team

From our home region to East Asian, from both sides of the Atlantic to the Middle East, the research team of the Antall József Knowledge Centre sum up the major events shaping 2020, while looking ahead to the challenges of 2021.

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