Zsófia Gulyás

Zsófia Gulyás

Former Research Fellow
Office: Global Relations Department


International relations expert of AJKC’s Global Relations Department. She obtained her BA at Eötvös Loránd University in Oriental Languages and Cultures and her MA degree in the joint East Asian Studies programme of Pázmány Péter Catholic University and Corvinus University of Budapest. She has also studied at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China. Her specific research interests are contemporary domestic politics of China, Chinese economic and social system and the political structure and international role of the countries of the Southeast Asian region.

AJRC analyses

2020E44 / Péter Dobrowiecki

/ 18 more authors

Outlook 2021

Perspectives for the Next Year from the AJKC Research Team

Research Blog

Milk Tea Alliance

A Forerunner of the New Age of Demonstrations?

Made in China 2025

China's Industrial Modernization Initiative Objectives and Their Global Reception

Chinese Popular Music

The (Long) Road to Worldwide Recognition

Does it link or divide?

The role of the Mekong River in relations between China and the countries downstream