Discussion on Europe’s Future  in the post-COVID-19 era

Discussion on Europe’s Future in the post-COVID-19 era

Dobrowiecki Péter Bodolay Dalma Csepregi Zsolt D'Onofrio Alessandro Dr. Hamar Balázs Herédi Elina Restás Bianka Dr. Pál Zsombor Szabolcs Dr. Stepper Péter Tóth Beáta Vass Ágnes | 2020 | 2020E21 | 2020-07-10

The European Union struggles to fight the recent period of different types of crises (polycrisis), as described by several books, papers and arguments in the scientific literature. The primary reasons of the European economic crisis are the global financial crisis of 2008, the Greek sovereign debt crisis, the prolonged reform process of the bank union and the lack of fiscal policy integration.