Outlook 2020

Outlook 2020

Baranyi Tamás Péter D'Onofrio Alessandro Bodolay Dalma Dobrowiecki Péter Restás Bianka Vass Ágnes Darkó Tünde Dr. Pál Zsombor Szabolcs Dr. Stepper Péter Kozma Tamás Éva Ádám Csepregi Zsolt Papp Viktória Anna Talárovich Orsolya Schwarcz Emese | 2019 | 2019E05 | 2019-12-18

This year, New Years’ Eve will not only see a regular new year coming but the closing of a whole decade. The aggregate analysis of the AJRC research group points toward specific likely conclusions about the world which suggest 2020 to be a concluding year of the problems of the 2010s. Many of those issues that characterised international relations for quite some time have now reached a point of rest—though not resulted in a definitive outcome.