Braun András

Braun András

Nemzetközi kapcsolatok referens

Politológus, 2017 szeptemberétől az Antall József Tudásközpont brüsszeli irodájának munkatársa. 2014 óta az Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Politikatudományi Doktori Iskolájának doktorandusza. 2017-ben csatlakozott a Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetemen működő Európaizáció a Balkánon, Ludovika Kutatócsoporthoz. Kutatási területe a Nyugat-Balkán európai uniós integrációja.

Towards an à la carte democracy?

Towards an à la carte democracy?

Challenges of democratic consolidation in Serbia

After the dissolution of Yugoslavia and the end of the bloody civil war, democratic transition could have started in the Western Balkans accompanied by the strong assist and support of the European Union. Although this process has been delayed in some countries due to different types of challenges, since the beginning of the 2000s the institutional background for democratic political systems has been provided in the region.

Towards a Renewed Transatlantic Engagement with the Western Balkans

Towards a Renewed Transatlantic Engagement with the Western Balkans

The Role of Europe, NATO, and the United States

After the end of the Cold War, many scholars and politicians expected not only the reunification of Europe but also the supremacy of the liberal democracy as the basis of the new world order. However, the transition was not the same in every region that was previously under Soviet influence. Soon after regaining their independence and freedom, Central and Eastern European countries articulated their geopolitical will to join Euro-Atlantic structures.
