Foreign and Security Policy Conference Budapest 2021

Foreign and Security Policy Conference Budapest 2021

Global Relations Department | Foreign and Security Policy


Central Europe’s Emerging role in the Transatlantic Security Cooperation

Central European countries underwent a difficult transition in the last three decades in order to integrate into the transatlantic political and security community. NATO membership and active participation in both European and overseas peacekeeping and stabilization missions signal the commitment of the CE region to the transatlantic alliance. Nevertheless, the costs of the transition to market economy and changing security perceptions in the post-Cold War order created important tasks which had to be rectified after 2010 to an increasing degree by the CE member states and NATO as a whole. The conference examines the path forward for NATO, based on the Agenda 2030 strategic document, with a particular emphasis on the role CE countries play in achieving a more cohesive, secure and effective transatlantic alliance. Complementing this topic, it will focus on the ambitious defence sector reforms in CE countries—such as Zrínyi 2026 in Hungary—while analysing their importance to NATO and considering the roles allies can play in these development projects.

Panel Discussion

  • Dr Petr Lunak, Deputy Head, Engagements Section, NATO Public Diplomacy Division
  • Dr Tomasz Smura, Director of Research Office, Casimir Pulaski Foundation
  • Dr Tamás Csiki Varga, Researcher, Institute for Strategic and Defense Studies, University of Public Service
  • Moderator: Zsolt Csepregi, Deputy Director for International Affairs, Antall József Knowledge Centre

The event is realised with the support of the Prime Minister’s Office of Hungary, the Bethlen Gábor Foundation, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, the NATO Public Diplomacy Division and the National University of Public Service.

Global Relations Department