Emese Schwarcz

Emese Schwarcz

International Relations Manager

International relations expert with a specialization in Japanese politics. Her field of expertise includes Japanese society, foreign and domestic affairs, security policy, and power balance in the Far Eastern region. Her focus is on Japan’s issue with remilitarization, Shinzō Abe’s foreign politics strategies, Japan’s political identity, and the Japanese-South Korean political dynamics regarding the comfort women issue. Earned her degree in the International Relations MA program at the Budapest Business School. She is responsible for managing Japanese relations and organizing events regarding East Asia.

A forming new political identity for Japan

A forming new political identity for Japan

Nationalism and revisionism has been growingly a part of international discussions about Japan in the past 15-or-so years, and it does not seem to simmer down anytime soon. On the contrary, the Abe administration seems to accelerate not only the public debate about the phenomena, but the movement itself too. During these debates, much of the calculations are about the relevance of nationalism and how much influence does it – really – have.

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A Dél-koreai–japán Súrlódások Dinamikája

A Dél-koreai–japán Súrlódások Dinamikája

A Komforthölgy-kérdés

2015. december 28. Egy történelmi megállapodás születik Abe Shinzō japán miniszterelnök és a dél-koreai elnök, Park Geun-hye között. A megállapodás értelmében Japánnak 1 milliárd jent kellett fizetnie egy olyan koreai alapnak, amelynek célja, hogy anyagi juttatásokat és egyéb segítséget biztosítson a japán megszálló hadsereg tagjai által létrehozott második világháborús kényszerprostitúciós hálózat túlélőinek. A problémával kapcsolatos általános politikai retorika, valamint az ügy félrekezelése régóta szítja a gyűlöletet Japán iránt – épp ezért az egyezmény rendkívül fontos volt mindkét félnek. Utólag nézve azonban úgy tűnik, hogy még ez a kiemelkedő áttörés sem volt elegendő a kapcsolatok javításához. De miért? Mi befolyásolja az ügy alakulását? Milyen okokra vezethető vissza az, hogy a komforthölgyek ügye ilyen mértékben befolyásolja a két ország kapcsolatát? A probléma összetett, de egy történelmi áttekintés segíthet abban, hogy jobban megértsük a több mint fél évszázados ellentét gyökereit a két nemzet között.

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Outlook 2020

Outlook 2020

Perspectives for the next year from the Antall József Knowledge Centre Research Team

This year, New Years’ Eve will not only see a regular new year coming but the closing of a whole decade. The aggregate analysis of the AJRC research group points toward specific likely conclusions about the world which suggest 2020 to be a concluding year of the problems of the 2010s. Many of those issues that characterised international relations for quite some time have now reached a point of rest—though not resulted in a definitive outcome.

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Global Demographic Outlook 2020 – Demographic Perspectives from the Antall József Knowledge Centre Research Team

Global Demographic Outlook 2020 – Demographic Perspectives from the Antall József Knowledge Centre Research Team

Global population witnessed an unprecedented growth in recent decades. From reaching 4 billion in 1974, 6 billion in 1999 and 7.8 billion people this year, the world’s population is set to reach the 8-billion mark in the very near future. This rapid growth will affect less developed nations the most; however, in strong contrast, economically advanced countries across the globe will witness a sharp drop in population, due to a set of mutually-aligned trends. Fertility rates under the 2.0-2.1 threshold required for a stable reproduction rate, combined with an increasing life expectancy, mean that these states will not only have fewer citizens, but will also have to find a solution for the increasing pressure on their current pension system, as a declining number of workers will have to support a growing number of pensioners.

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Fluctuating Political Capital During and After the Pandemic in Japan

Fluctuating Political Capital During and After the Pandemic in Japan

The year 2020 turned out to be nothing like anyone could have ever imagined. The outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic at the end of 2019 followed by its fast evolution into a global pandemic the next year took most of the countries by surprise. Levels of preparedness in both medical equipment and in government policies vary by countries.

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A Race for The Capital – Lessons On the Japanese Gubernatorial Elections

A Race for The Capital – Lessons On the Japanese Gubernatorial Elections

On 5 July, Japan held its due gubernatorial elections, and while the globally raging COVID-19 pandemic still has not subsided in the island country, attention was spared to the fight for the capital city. The incumbent governor, Koike Yuriko (68), had a number of challengers, but there were three of them who could be regarded as having any chance. Analysing the political background, the campaign promises, and the history of these candidates can provide a colourful account of contemporary Japanese politics on a local level. And while Governor Koike was successful in preserving her seat, her rivals will remain part of political discourse—more so than ever considering the fast approaching end of the Abe-leadership.

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Globális demográfiai kilátások 2020

Globális demográfiai kilátások 2020

Demográfiai perspektívák

Az elmúlt évtizedekben a világ népességének példátlan növekedését tapasztalhattuk meg. Míg 1974-ben bolygónk lélekszáma 4 milliárd, 1999-ben 6 milliárd, idén pedig 7,8 milliárd főtt tett ki, addig a közeljövőben a globális népesség meg fogja haladni a 8 milliárd főt. Ez a gyors növekedés a kevésbé fejlett nemzeteket fogja leginkább érinteni; ezzel szemben a gazdaságilag fejlett államokban világszerte – kölcsönösen összehangolt trendek miatt – a népesség rohamos csökkenése lesz tapasztalható.

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The Realities of the US – Japan Defense Alliance

The Realities of the US – Japan Defense Alliance

A Crash Course in the Wake of the US Presidential Elections

The Japanese-American defense alliance has been a defining factor in Japan’s foreign and defense policy for more than 70 years. With the enactment of the pacifist constitution in 1947, this new rulebook—and especially its famed Article 9—stripped the country of its sovereign right to wield war as a way of sorting out international conflicts, while it also established a prohibition on maintaining air, navy, or ground forces as part of a national army.

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Outlook 2021

Outlook 2021

Perspectives for the Next Year from the Antall József Knowledge Centre Research Team

From our home region to East Asian, from both sides of the Atlantic to the Middle East, the research team of the Antall József Knowledge Centre sum up the major events shaping 2020, while looking ahead to the challenges of 2021.

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